Want to set Bios to ACHI for C4 or C5 - How to do?
Recently some buyer ordered the MB STAR C4 C5 With Doip from us,and they told us when they use 2 or 3 hours then crashed, could not work any more.Our engineer said need set the Bios to ACHI.
If you do not know how to set the Bios to the AHCI ,Pls check as following operation steps to repair your system.
1: Start your laptop and press the power button while it tries to load the windows to force it to shutdown, do this three times in a row to get the automatic repair screen.
You can disconnect it from the outlet, click on advanced options.
Click on the troubleshoot
Click on advanced options
Click on the command prompt
Fill your password,and if you do not have the password,just click the continue.
You can continue and press enter,finally type exit and then press enter as picture
Then you will restart your laptop as below picture
You can check the step at first, if above operate could not help you.you can contact with us : sale@cnautotool.com or search on our store : https://www.cnautotool.com