19/03/2018 23:45

DAS Developer mode add Cruice control to Vito viano W639

For adding cruise control on vito viano w639
It is not my discovery, i find that on internet.

Add cruisecontrol / limiter to your Vito/Viano W639 it’s configuration.
This should work for all W639 till AJ08

In DAS Developer mode tested version 10-2008)

Used with SD connect C4 multiplexer

In engine control unit:
Entwicklungen (Development data) ->F3
Password : flexecu ->F3
Steuergerate – Anpassungen (Control unit adaption) ->F3
Steuergerate-Anpassungen (Variantencoderierung) ->F3
a Pop-up tells you : “Mindest eine Codiereinstellung ist ungultig” confirm -> OK

Here you will find the option settings
write down the line that is blue.
For example : NSG or NAG_Klima_Wasserstandschalter

Now we search for the string that contains the same options + Tempomat and Begrenzer
So that will look like : NSG or NAG_Tempomat_v-Begrenzer_Klima_Wasserstandschalter
Once you find it , click it and confirm with ->F3
“Soll die Codierung in Steuergerat ubertragen werden ?”->F3
JA or YES->F2 to proceed

Now we log out the engine ecu and go to the :
Instrument Cluster ( Kombi instrument) (Magnetti Marelli)

Steuergerate-Anpassungen (Variantencoderierung) ->F3
Variantencoderierung Algemeine Daten->F3
Scroll down untill you see “Limiter” set to Ja or Yes ->F3
F2 -> F1 -> F1
Ansteuerungen -> Gesamstliste aller Ansteuerungen ->
Scroll down untill you see the line : Steuergeraet Resetten (PowerON-Modus) (FN_Reset_SG_Power_ON)
Press F3 and confirm again with F3
Now you will see the “Kombiinstrument” reboots

Cruise control coding is added succesfully to your W639 now




